Experience Halong Bay Without The Crowds With A Luxury Cruise

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Halong Bay is the most popular tourist destination in northern Vietnam as a result of its breath-taking limestone towers and hidden grottoes.

If you are visiting Hanoi or indeed anywhere in northern Vietnam, Halong Bay should be on your bucket list. Having been granted World Heritage Site status in 1994, the number of tourists visiting has grown exponentially and although the landscape is magnificent, the crowds of people certainly are not.

Although it is not possible to avoid the crowds completely, there are certain cruise operators who know the places that are not yet overrun. A Halong Bay luxury cruise, in comparison to the plethora of other Halong bay cruises on offer in Hanoi, is certainly worth the cost. Embarking in a different area than the tourist hordes can make a real difference and the knowledgeable ship’s Captain will know both the best time and the best locations to take you to.

Getting to Hanoi

If you have done your homework and booked your luxury cruise before leaving home, your trip to Hanoi should be relatively stress free. After a couple of nights soaking up the atmosphere in Vietnam’s capital, you will be ready to head north for your cruise.

Your cruise operator may be able to arrange your onward transport from Hanoi to the embarkation point to begin your luxury cruise in the heart of Indochina.


Image Source: Pixabay

Aside from ensuring your Halong Bay cruise is as sedate as possible, your tour operator will also be able to introduce you to other activities and attractions that you may like to partake in, including but not limited to:

  • Kayaking

  • Cooking Classes

  • Tai Chi Lessons

  • Cave Exploration

  • Traditional Villages

If any of the above activities appeal to you, be sure to mention it when you book your luxury cruise. Your operator will make every effort to ensure any excursions are as exclusive as your luxury cruise itself.

The Importance of Using an Experienced Cruise Operator

As previously mentioned, a luxury cruise from an experienced operator may cost more than an ‘off the shelf ‘cruise from a travel agent and this is for good reason. A luxury cruise operator is not just simply someone who arranges a holiday for you, they are destination experts. They possess extensive knowledge regarding the areas they cover and will ultimately give you a much more rewarding experience. A cruise in Halong Bay is not a vacation that one takes every year so it makes sense to get the most memorable experience you can out of your trip.

Image Source: Pexels

The exclusivity of a luxury cruise actually enhances the overall experience and will also give you memories to treasure forever. Halong Bay is a magical place and you would be doing it a massive injustice if you did not experience it with a quality cruise operator. If you want to go somewhere or do something specific either after or before your cruise, they should also be able to help, as they will have a network of contacts they can call upon.

Vibeke Johannessen

My name is Vibeke. A travel blogger and a photographer from Norway. I am posting about my journey around the world as well as my experiences living in Ecuador.


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